Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today I am having one of these days when Im thinking a lot. Way too much...

Im very happy about that I am going to move (cause that is the only thing I have to look forward to in my life) but right now....Im having these I happy with who I am, what I have done, what I have become? What is the purpose of my life? Will I ever meet someone and create a family? Deep I know.
I need to find a meaning of why I do things. I love my job but right now I dont know what its with me because not even that can make me happy. I feel stressed. I feel sad. I feel empty!

Everybody sees me like the happy girl that laughs a lot. I am. On the outside. I am bleeding on the inside.

I want to be happy but I think I am trying to hard...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Wow! What a last couple of weeks. Havent had the strength or the motivation to write at all. Going to try to change that!
I have had some really tough issues in my life. I never thought that life could be rough as it has been. My brother has had some issues and my dad is not doing well. I have made some major changes to my life recently that feels great!

My brothers issues is getting better and he is getting help with it. I love him so much!
My dad has the beginning of Alzheimers and he is getting treatment for it and the other week he fell on the snow and ice and broke two ribs. Poor dad!

As for me. Well....I LOVE my job, I really do... but I havent found myself at home up here in Sundsvall. Its way up north and I have my family about 5-6 hours away. So from May 1st Im going to work at our headquarters in Örebro, which is 1 hour away from friends and family. That feels great! A big move but its a huge and great step in my career! :)
Im gonna miss my coworkers....but this is right for me!

Right now Im home being sick...bored. But that will work out.
I will be happy. One day!
