Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy new year!

Happy new year to the ones who reads this! I am so ready for it to be a new year :)

I am convincing myself that it will be my year. It is my time now...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I need help....

I really suck at this blogthing...but today I felt like that I maybe should write something so I can get some stuff out. Maybe its way too personal but I feel like I need to get it off my chest!

Some of you may know that I have been dealing with some stuff and that I have been feeling down for a really long time now. I have come to realize that I may not be able to handle this all by myself anymore. I have come to the point that I am starting to ask questions that you should not ask yourself!

Why am I getting out of bed in the morning?
Why am I working and making money when I spend it on only myself?
Why do I clean my apartment when there is only me who is gonna see it?
Why do all sorts of crap? What is the point? What is the point with my life?

I want to make sure that I am not thinking about ending anything but I have come to realize that I need to go and talk to someone. I need help. I want to be thinking more positive thoughts.
I have good days but that is pretty much it as for now. I do not like myself at all like this. Sad, grumpy and irritated at everything. I used to be happy!

I always think that when somethings happen to me its gonna be the worst outcome possible. Noone can like me. Or did someone say something nice to me just to be nice? I really hate being this negative about myself. Why can't I like myself? Love myself?
I thank god for my friends on Twitter. I have no clue how I would feel right now if it werent for them. They often make me smile and forget for a little while how much my real life really sucks.

I have a lot of acquaintances and friends - way more that a lot of people have. But I do not have anyone really really close to me, I honestly think that I have never had a single person in my life that I can trust with everything. Maybe my sister Ingela, she knows me pretty well and supports me but she has her own life to take care of and I do not want to put my problems on her all the time. Of course I have friends that I could talk to about this but I do not want to be a burden to anyone. I talk a lot as it is.

About a month ago I started to talk to a guy on Twitter that I really opened up to and told things that not a single soul knows about me. I am still surprised that I did that. Cause I thought that I had closed the doors pretty good. Maybe it is a sign that I feel comfortable talking to him? And that a beautiful friendship is about to begin? I really hope so.

So as soon as I can manage to call the doctor I will. It is a very hard step to take but at least I have come to realize that I need someone to help me to get out of this. I want to be happy for more that a day at a time. I want to be excited to see what life will bring me today. And tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It has been a while...

Wow....where to begin?!
I have had some fun lately! I got to play a celebtourney about a month ago. I am still on clouds for that one. Won a terrific camera, I love it! And got to play golf with some awesome peeps. Love that about golf. I still can´t belive it happened. And Anton who I played golf with plays drums in a band with Ryan Roxie, former guitarrist with Alice Cooper and they performed the weekend after so I went and they are awesome. I really hope that they get their big break soon. Roxie is an amazing entertainer!! And I just ordered a gift for Anton as a thank you for taking me to the tournament! Will be a memory for the rest of my life! And I will never forget Darko´s arms...yum! LOL!

I have started to work out on a regular basis. I know that some people that I used to know would be surprised right now since they practictly forced me to work out but I didn´t want to at all. But now that it is my choice I feel good about it. What pushed me over the edge was seeing me in some photos and I put myself on a scale....ouch! And now a old dear friend of mine has moved to town and that helps too and we go together at least three times a week! My goal is to loose about 30 pounds in the end. The scale is still on the same but I have gained muscles now in the beginning so its probably because of that. I have quit drinking sodas, hardly eating candy or anything else like that. I eat a great breakfast every day and two other meals. And I eat some fruit when I feel like I want candy or a soda. Wow for being me! So hopefully I will loose some soon...
But today was a great day at the gym. I could do pushups. I really suck at doing it but today I managed. My friend Lina saw that and was happy about it as well. Thinks she likes having someone to work out with too!

This weekend I am going to London with my brother. I cannot wait!!! Shopping and shopping is on the list ;) And October 23rd me, him and our mother are going to Spain for a week. Will feel soooo good. And when I come home I have to save up some money for Dubai!! We are going with with work in February.

I am pretty tired tonight so I will go to bed...promised myself to go to bed before 10 and its off I go!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday night

Wow...two nights in a row? Thats a record! :)

I have had a ME-day today and it has been great. Tomorrow I am going to a party tomorrow. I really really need it. I have been inside almost all my vacation and that has been very depressing!
The hairdye-story took a lot of strength from me...both mentally and psychially!

Hope you are doing good...if somebody reads this lol


I loved seeing Mötley Crüe!

It was the best so far in my life - musicwise! And it was 46000 there watching so the mood in the crowd was amazing! Everybody that knows me, knows that I have a little thing for Sixx...but I have started to spread my wings a Tommy Lee haha!! He has done some great music! And I even preordered his new Methods of Mayhem album yesterday! :)

I know I havent blogged in forever but there is not much to say about my life....cause its pretty much boring! But in the future I have this to look forward to:

London - England
Mas Palomas - Spain
Getting my next Sixx tattoo
Dubai - kick-off with work!!!

So some stuff is about to happen. But after these trips I will not do anything for a long time...need to save up some money!!! :)

Its very late now so I need to go to bed.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Here is some pics from yesterday. Me and Jimmy on the first!
Me and the hostess Lina in the middle pic and finally me and Edgardo
on the last one!


Long time no see!


I know I've been absent lately. So much stuff has been going on! I've
finally moved and that is the best decision I have ever made! My new
job is great, a little uncertain on what I'm supposed to do, but
really great. My coworkers are awesome!

Yesterday I attended this reunion party. God it was so much fun to see
everybody again! Especially two guys. Jimmy and Edgardo!

Jimmy and I had a really complicated relationship back then. We even
went to a councelor to work things out! Yesterday he told me that
everything started because he had a crush on me and didn't know how to
act. Wow! Jimmy has turned out great and he looked like he was doing
good :-)

Edgardo. Hmm yes that was probably the first boy I really liked and he
liked me back. We kind of dated for a while and later we drifted apart
because I play so much golf and he didn't. I've always felt bad about
it but he didn't remember it like I did. We had a long nice talk and
that felt pretty good. He has two children and another one on the way.
So happy for him!

As I always do, I cried the whole way home when mom picked me up. Once
again I was reminded of how far away I am from building a family.

Going home to cook dinner now!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Phone call

I got a phonecall today and it was a secret number...I of course answered and this was the conversation:

Lady: Hi. I am calling from the hospital regarding your husband.
Me: Say what? My husband?? (I started to laugh out loud and got myself together after a while and continued) I don't have a husband. I am not married.
Lady: You're not? So what is the name of the guy you are living with?
Me: I am as single as you possibly can be so I do not know what you are talking about.
Lady: I am calling about F? (my question is, why did she say that she was calling about my husband then?? Thought about this afterwards)
Me: Ah that is my ex:s little girl, we split up 2,5 years ago!
Lady: Oh but maybe I can ask you question about your daughter then?
Me: It is not my child, F:s mom is V and her father is S! So you can call them. I just went to the doctor with her one time and that is probably why you got my number there.
Lady: Oh I am so sorry. Maybe I should erase this number then??
Me: Sounds like a plan to me.
Lady: So sorry for disturbing you!

Soooo funny! I laughed soo much about this! I bet she was embarrassed :-)

Time for shower and sleeep. 12 hour day tomorrow at work - Girls night from 7-9pm! Will be soo much fun! 91 had signed up for it when I checked this morning!!


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Got this poem written for me today. Got tears in my eyes. My first poem dedicated to me. I am so honored! Thank you Graham!! :)

Maria, for you I will write
A poem about a special Knight
Who waits for you, who knows where
But restassured he's waiting there
His love for you will be unabounded
A love so true you'll be astounded
When he goes down on bended knee
And asks 'Maria, please marry me!'
Forever together, hand in hand
You will finally understand
That true love isn't really rare
For it was always waiting there.......for YOU.


.....I am in serious need of making out. I need to kiss someone. I miss that so incredibly much....

I feel...

I feel stupid. I used to have a boyfriend, J, for over seven years. It turned out very ugly at the end and we have today no contact what so ever. And this weekend his sister had a party and she posted some pics from it. I looked through them and saw some old friends and that was fun. A little bit later I looked through them again - and I had missed that my ex was in one of the pics. I did NOT recognize him!! He was a huge part of my life (hmm my whole life...) for over seven years and six years later I can't see that it is him. Of course I can see that it is him now but he has changed a bit. He looks bigger and his posture was different. I don't know.

And now I can not stop thinking about him...why? We had some fun times together and I will treasure that for the rest of my life but mostly we were fighting and I was miserable that I couldnt be that girl he wanted me to be. I was desperately trying to act the way he wanted. Dress the way he wanted. Do whatever he thought I should do.
I miss his family. His sister is the best! And her children...they did'nt recognize me when I met them about two years ago. That broke my heart. That is the worst about breaking up with someone...that I have lost contact with so many great people.

J forbid me to have contact with his family when we broke up. I think he did'nt want me to tell his family how he had treated me. And about 2 years ago his sister contacted me and she said: just becuse you and my brother broke up did'nt mean that you and I couldnt be friends anymore?! I had no good answer....
And his parents came up to me at work and bought some stuff and I said that it felt strange meeting them again, they said: Well we have forgotten all about that now... Saywhat??!! What did he tell them?

But mostly of all I remember J:s grandmother. She went in to a hospital and was very sick. She NEEDED her slippers so she called ME a sunday morning at 7 am and said that she needed them. She was almost crying. I put some clothes on and went to her home and picked them up and went to the hospital and spent a few hours talking to her. I really loved her and she loved me. She was crying that I was the one coming to her resque but she was grateful for it. This was just before our breakup and she died shortly after that. J did'nt want me to have anything to do with his family so I did'nt attend to the funeral. I think of her from time to time. I really miss her. I hope I get to meet her one day!


Saturday, April 17, 2010


I'm in a great mood today! Haven't slept that much but I have had such cute customers at work today that have made my day so much better!!

Can't wait til I get home and watch some golf. Eat some candy and log on to Twitter ;-) what would I do without my friends in cyberspace?! Eye. Heart. You!


2 weeks!

It's only two weeks until I'm moving! Packed so much that I can pack...I'm ready!
Working 5 days now and then I head home towards my parents and stay there for 4 days... After that I only got 4 days to work! My boss visited Thursday and we talked about my new position. Can't wait til I start! Can't wait to decorate my apartment!!

And last: congratulations Anna on your victory of the LPGA event The Mojo 6!! I knew it!! So very very proud of you!!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Proud of myself!

I changed my tires on my car today - all by myself! I feel pretty good about it haha and I went and washed him off as well and tomorrow after work I will vaccum him too. Nice to have a clean and nice car!
Watching the golf...don't think I will stay up the whole time and it seems like Mickelson will take this home :)



Have I also mentioned that I love Tiger?? Love the comment after: I don't think he is pleased. Say what?! LOL

Just had a little powernap so I have the strength to watch the last round tonight...I am so excited!


3 weeks to go...

Yesterday I was out with work and had some dinner. It's was nice and calm.
Finally, it's only 3 weeks until I take my stuff and move down to Örebro. It will be a new start of the rest of my life.

So now I am lying on my couch and watching yesterdays round of the Masters. OMG Phil Mickelson played hole 13-15 amazing. Go to Masters website and have a look at the highlights from these holes! I can not wait until I get to unwrap my new golfclubs and hit them for the first time! It is still a little bit of snow where I live and I have a lot to do before I move...

Going to grab something to eat and return to the golf. Who do you think will win?

I love Lee Westwood and I have done that for many many years. And I am loving the pressconferences with him this tournament, he is very calm and seems very confident about his game. Love that he answers that he can only play according to his game plan and do the best as he can and see where that will lead to and that he can't do anything about what the others do when they asked him what he thinks will be the winning score on Sunday...

Another question that was asked after the second round, borrowed from Masters website:

You mentioned earlier in the week and people have been talking about the English renaissance in golf and Ian won the Match Play, and you've had I think a third place last year, a couple near‑misses in majors. Is this a verification of that so far in this tournament?

Lee's answer: Well, yeah, if you needed verification, if you had not bothered to look at the World Rankings and seen how many English players were up there, and three in the Top‑10; we're not up at the top of the World Rankings by mistake, you know. We ought to be contending in these major championships in these biggest events where the best players should contend.

I love you Lee ;)

BUT...I honestly did not think that he would be this close to winning his first Major at Augusta...I thought it would be the British Open! My money this time was on Tiger Woods...
Time will tell!


Sunday, April 4, 2010


I am so disappointed! I booked a trip to San Francisco in December to see someone in June. Well that plan changed and I am starting a new job May 1st so I can't go...and I can NOT change my ticket at all!!! I am sooo sad and disappointed :(

So there goes a 1000 bucks...just what I needed...when is my luck going to change when it is regarding money?!


Friday, April 2, 2010


I had the funniest conversation with Julian today! He was out driving and we were talking about what has been going on in our lives and he said that he was in Worksop, which is the home of one of my favorites Lee Westwood, looking for a Halifax bank and he could not for his life find it. So I googled where the bank was and I gave him directions and he found it. Too funny!

He still says that he is going to visit me in May. I will believe that when he walks out of the airport! Oh well, it was very nice to talk to him and I laughed a lot. I like laughing. I gave him some mean comments and he said that he deserves that and that he knows that it would take a lot for me to forgive him for all the pain he put me through last year! And to make up for it he wants to treat me over to Scotland sometime! Hmm would I like to go to Scotland and go to S:t Andrews again? Let me think...hell yeah! ;)

Well I think I will try to go to bed and get some sleep since I hardly had any last night...I cheated and had a Coca cola. I had not had one for months and the caffeine struck me really bad and I could not sleep until 2 am I think! That just reminded me that I need to stay off that stuff ;)

Take care everybody and happy easter!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It has been a weird day. I LOVE my work and have the best bosses ever - you who reads this know this, right? But some days, especially now when I know I have a new position coming up in a month, I just want to stay in bed and do nothing ;-) I am wondering where my motivation is now? Is it already in my new town? Oh I need to straighten things out with my move so everything is set up..tomorrow is April month left...scary but oh so much fun!

I am one happy girl!

Im going to bed now. Very tired - surprising huh?


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have been sleeping weird lately! Waking up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep directly so when my alarm goes off I am so crazy tired that I have problem getting out of bed! I need my sleep when I have so many days straight at work.

Today I got two DVD:s in my mail. Two with Mötley Crüe, they are awesome! Ordered Crüe fest 2, too but apparently it's not available here until the that will arrive later I guess...I am watching one now and I will have something to eat and go to bed.

Hope everybody is doing great! Talk soon!


Monday, March 29, 2010


Had an ok day...but started off weird. I went out saturday and I was hungover all Sunday and when I woke up this morning I was still feeling sick. No headache though, I get those very rarely (thank god).
Spoke to my friend Anna on Skype today and gave her the bad news that I can't go to US in June and see her play :( I just don't have the money and I have just started a new job then! So my vacation this year will be here at home in Sweden. Think my economy will like that ;)

Going to bed now, no reason to lack on sleep when I have 8 out of 9 days straight days to work left...


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ask me anything you want to know...

Have fun!


Going to bed!

I am home. Had a great night....sooo happy that I went out...but now I need to sleep!

Love you all!!!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Im having fun

So happy that ðsa invited me out! Already feeling a buzz lol



Sipping on a glass of wine and I'm about to be picked up by a friend and we are going to have dinner and some wine. Isn't life ironic...I find a friend when I am about to move away from this hole...hmm! But I don't regret my decision in any way. Oh no! I will be soo happy closer to my family, my friends and especially my goddaughter Line....god I miss her!!!

I am listening to some Sixx:A.M. to get into the mood to go outside my apartment! I hope you few people who reads this are having a great saturday. I sure am :-)


Drooling pause!

I'm in the middle of packing stuff but I needed to take a break and look at my computer...and found this picture of Sixx.
I LOVE the fact that he is getting hotter and hotter! I know that this is an old pic...but still! Yumm! And he has the sexiest girlfriend ever...perfect match if you ask me!


Time to get ready for a busy day - of packing and drinking wine ;-)


Friday, March 26, 2010

Kickstart my heart - Mötley Crüe

When I get high, I get high on speed.
Top fuel funny car's, a drug for me.
My heart, my heart, kickstart my heart

Always got the cops, coming after me
Custom built bike, doing 103
My heart, my heart, kickstart my heart

Ooh, are you ready girls?
Ooh, are you ready now?

Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, give it a start
Ooh, yeah, baby
Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
Ooh, yeah, baby

Skydive naked, from an aeroplane
Or a lady with a body from outerspace
My heart, my heart, kickstart my heart

Say I got trouble, trouble in my eyes
I'm just looking for another good time
My heart, my heart, kickstart my heart

Yeah, are you ready girls?
Yeah, are you ready now?

Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, give it a start
Ooh, yeah, baby
Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
Ooh, yeah, baby, kickstart my heart

When we started this band, all we needed, needed was a laugh
Years gone by I'd say we've kicked some ass
When I'm enraged or hittin' the stage
Adrenaline rushing through my veins
And I'd say we're still kickin' ass

Ooo, ahh kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
And to think, we did it all of this to rock
Ooh, yeah kickstart my heart, give it a start
Ooh, yeah, baby
Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
Ooh, yeah, baby
Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, hope it never stops
Ooh, yeah, baby
Ooh, yeah, kickstart my heart, give it a start
Ooh, yeah
Ok boys lets rock the house

Thats all!

Lyrics and music by the one and only: Mr Nikki "The fruit loop" Sixx



I feel like I am niece got a baby today! Congratulations Sanna to your daughter!! And totally my nieces and nephews have given born to SEVEN babies now! I have seven siblings, totally eightteen (I think...lost the count there) nieces and nephews and now seven "great" nieces and nephews! OMG!!

This could make me thinking of things I should'nt I wont do that! ;-)

Very tired today - it will be awesome to have the weekend off to recharge a bit!

Later freaks!


Can't sleep

It's 2 pm...slept about 5 hours and woke up for some reason and I
can't get back to sleep :-(
I will try now again to get back to sleep...I'm yawning all the time.

I miss my family!! <3


Thursday, March 25, 2010


I loved this store...could have spent forever in here I think! Bought
a love sign that I have had in my kitchen, love it. Makes me smile
when I see it. I'm a hopeless romantic. Always have and always will!
Anyway...I just had to take a pic of the opening hours...I thought it
was sooo funny that they needed an explanation why they're closed on
Sundays! Wow!

Today have been pretty calm but got a lot done with teaching the guy
that's taking over after me! He is great and will make an awesome

It's only 8pm but I got a long day ahead of me tomorrow so I think I
will go to bed and read my book and sleeeeeep.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One more thing..

Just got a phonecall. From a guy I dated a year ago (he was an excellent kisser). He called to hear my voice and told me that he misses me. I started to cry...not so he could hear of course. I don't know why. I know that we could never work - since I always fall for guys that has a huge load of baggage or just wants me for one thing, I know this. This guy has a big load of baggage and lives in England...yes I am talking about Pingboy haha! But he hurt me in so many ways I didn't think was possible.

But it was nice to hear someone saying that he misses me. Just the wrong person who called.



Im home watching one of my favorite shows, Greys Anatomy before I go to sleep! Love that show!

Today I have been really productive and it feels great! Packed five boxes with stuff that I don't need my last month up here. Will be around 2-3 more boxes with cups and glasses this weekend. Then I have to do the rest the last week. I am SO happy that I have booked cleaning of the apartment from a firm!! Just pack all my stuff and leave - yeah!

Saying goodnight with a great picture - I love kissing...especially when the guy is great at it! They are hard to find ;-)


I want!

I want to play golf! I want to use my new clubs!! But look at my it strange that I have such pain in it when I can bend it like that??

Just for you Elin!

My best friend loves this guy! He was on a soapopera here in Sweden a couple of years ago and I met him when he was guest dj:ing back where my parents live. So this one is for you Elin ;-)
I had an awesome night with my little brother! Can't wait to go out with him again :-)

The text...

I wrote this text with my last post but obviously I did something wrong but here it is: 
I got this CD from a very dear friend of mine! LOVE it, thanks! It's signed by Nikki Sixx and Mick Mars - yeah!

Still in bed, will not use my computer until I've packed some boxes. I'm going to be ready when the moving day comes! And I'm gonna try to throw away some unneccesary stuff!!

Well of to eat some brunch and start packing!




I got my collection of tees posted at Sixxsense's site. Been collecting forever :)
First time I am listening to the show live. I love it...but man it's a lot of music when I'm used to listening to Sixxcrow's edited versions!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have gotten to learn this guy recently who has A LOT of tattoos, we have become good friends and I went to see when he got a tattoo (took some photos, but will not post one because he was in a lot of pain lol). It was so much fun because I've never seen anyone gotten one before. He did a big bird on his chest down on his stomach, turned out very nice but it's not finished yet, so it will be awesome when it's done. I wonder if he will come and look at me when I am doing mine and return my favor of laughing at him when he was in pain? I most certainly think so!

I don't know where I have gotten my obsession with tattoos from?! I grew up with a mother who HATES tattoos...and she will freak out if/when she sees mine! I remember when I was in a room with two guys who are inked almost everywhere and I have never been so quiet - I was just staring at them both. Weird!

Here is a pic that I stole from James A Michaels facebook page - yum!



Now everything is in English on my site...finally found where to switch the language on everything! I thought that I had all my settings on English but now it's all good!

I just remembered that I can post entrys with my I will defo post more from now on. I have gotten the urge back to blog all of a sudden - don't know why!


I'm back again!

I've been bad again and not posted a blogpost in a while. As you can tell of my last entry I have been fighting with some demons lately. It's getting better though!

It's only 38 days until I move down south which feels great. I have found an apartment that I am going to love living in. Can't wait to get all my stuff up and decorate it! Have bought two big pictures with Nikki Sixx that I will frame and put up. And of course my Anna Nordqvist and Bubba Watson pictures will be neatly up on my wall....what a collection...haha!

I have decided that I am going to get my first tattoo! Finally! I'm going to do a picture of Nikki Sixx and the words: Open your eyes, life is beautiful. Sixx:A.M. Can't wait! Will have it on my upper back and will do it in the end of April. So at the moment life is pretty good. I'm lucky to have such great friends! Have gotten some new ones lately and I treasure them a lot!

I have also gotten new golfclubs! A cobra S2 driver & fw3 and the S2 forged irons - can't wait to hit them May!! It's still snow here where I live so I can't hit them now....but they are looking great in my bag here ;-)

Will continue my day off here and I will be back sooner this time...I have promised Father Wizard to write more often and I am a girl who keeps my promises!


Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today I am having one of these days when Im thinking a lot. Way too much...

Im very happy about that I am going to move (cause that is the only thing I have to look forward to in my life) but right now....Im having these I happy with who I am, what I have done, what I have become? What is the purpose of my life? Will I ever meet someone and create a family? Deep I know.
I need to find a meaning of why I do things. I love my job but right now I dont know what its with me because not even that can make me happy. I feel stressed. I feel sad. I feel empty!

Everybody sees me like the happy girl that laughs a lot. I am. On the outside. I am bleeding on the inside.

I want to be happy but I think I am trying to hard...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Wow! What a last couple of weeks. Havent had the strength or the motivation to write at all. Going to try to change that!
I have had some really tough issues in my life. I never thought that life could be rough as it has been. My brother has had some issues and my dad is not doing well. I have made some major changes to my life recently that feels great!

My brothers issues is getting better and he is getting help with it. I love him so much!
My dad has the beginning of Alzheimers and he is getting treatment for it and the other week he fell on the snow and ice and broke two ribs. Poor dad!

As for me. Well....I LOVE my job, I really do... but I havent found myself at home up here in Sundsvall. Its way up north and I have my family about 5-6 hours away. So from May 1st Im going to work at our headquarters in Örebro, which is 1 hour away from friends and family. That feels great! A big move but its a huge and great step in my career! :)
Im gonna miss my coworkers....but this is right for me!

Right now Im home being sick...bored. But that will work out.
I will be happy. One day!
