Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It has been a while...

Wow....where to begin?!
I have had some fun lately! I got to play a celebtourney about a month ago. I am still on clouds for that one. Won a terrific camera, I love it! And got to play golf with some awesome peeps. Love that about golf. I still can´t belive it happened. And Anton who I played golf with plays drums in a band with Ryan Roxie, former guitarrist with Alice Cooper and they performed the weekend after so I went and they are awesome. I really hope that they get their big break soon. Roxie is an amazing entertainer!! And I just ordered a gift for Anton as a thank you for taking me to the tournament! Will be a memory for the rest of my life! And I will never forget Darko´s arms...yum! LOL!

I have started to work out on a regular basis. I know that some people that I used to know would be surprised right now since they practictly forced me to work out but I didn´t want to at all. But now that it is my choice I feel good about it. What pushed me over the edge was seeing me in some photos and I put myself on a scale....ouch! And now a old dear friend of mine has moved to town and that helps too and we go together at least three times a week! My goal is to loose about 30 pounds in the end. The scale is still on the same but I have gained muscles now in the beginning so its probably because of that. I have quit drinking sodas, hardly eating candy or anything else like that. I eat a great breakfast every day and two other meals. And I eat some fruit when I feel like I want candy or a soda. Wow for being me! So hopefully I will loose some soon...
But today was a great day at the gym. I could do pushups. I really suck at doing it but today I managed. My friend Lina saw that and was happy about it as well. Thinks she likes having someone to work out with too!

This weekend I am going to London with my brother. I cannot wait!!! Shopping and shopping is on the list ;) And October 23rd me, him and our mother are going to Spain for a week. Will feel soooo good. And when I come home I have to save up some money for Dubai!! We are going with with work in February.

I am pretty tired tonight so I will go to bed...promised myself to go to bed before 10 and its 10:20....so off I go!


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